学术报告-Introducing Some Analytical Methods for Solving Fluid Mechanics Problems -Mohammad




报 告 人:Dr Mohammad Mehdi Rashidi


报告题目:Introducing Some Analytical Methods for      


Solving Fluid Mechanics Problems                 





Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Bu-Ali Sina University

Post-Doctoral Researcher of Mechanical Engineering University of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Joint Institute


Associate Editor of Journal of King Saud University-Engineering Sciences (Elsevier) 

Editor of Caspian Journal of Applied Sciences Research (ISI) 

Editor of Scientific Research and Essays (SCOPUS)

Editor of Modern Applied Science (SCOPUS)

Editor of Walailak Journal of Science and Technology (SCOPUS)

Associate Editor of Open Journal of Fluid Dynamics

Associate Editor of Journal of Engineering Research and Design 



时  间: 2014年7月16日星期三下午13:30

地  点: 同济大学嘉定校区上海地面交通工具风洞中心212会议室

联系人: 杨志刚 教授 69589240







